Please add your comments after watching this video:
- Do you think sport can help overcome discriminations?How?
- How can sport improve relations with other people?
- Why is sport considered as teachable
Il blog nasce nell'ottica di un percorso volto a sviluppare negli studenti la consapevolezza di essere cittadini di una realtà nella quale le regole non si pongono come limiti ma come garanzia delle libertà di ognuno. In questo spazio virtuale ci si confronterà su tematiche interdisciplinari in prospettiva interculturale guardando alla bellezza che l'incontro con l'altro può portare se ciò avviene nel rispetto reciproco.
Sport can overcome any discrimination; although today there are still many cases of discrimination one of the most frequent cases is racism. Sport also brings many people together, such as cheering on a team. Sport is very important to us because it makes us grow not only from the physical aspect but also from the character.
sport is not just practical. In fact, it teaches us many aspects such as: fighting racism, brotherhood, helping each other, socializing with someone from another ethnic group and then learning by discovering new things about some new countries. Today racism is a serious and increasingly widespread problem that modern society is trying to eliminate. In sport, there has been a great process from this point of view, in fact now there is no longer any distinction of race or color and are also more and more black people who participate in the different competitions.
In my opinion, sport can help overcome racial discrimination. In recent years, many players have been victims of racism, especially black players. This year the sports judge has invented a new rule, when a black player suffers acts of racism the game is suspended. This happens a lot in football, when fans support black players.
RispondiEliminaAccording to me sport can promote and build relations among people who have different nationalties, ideas, age. It is a way to Make peace if we do it in The right way. I think sport is a powerful way of communication that can create positive vibes.
Sport can be considered teachable because it creates a particular feeling among people who partecipate. Sport helps children to listen, to respect rules and other players using fair -play.Sport teachs to have a good lifestyle not only with physical benefits.
Sport is the set of activities which undertake either at agonistic or operational level - the athlete's psychophysical capabilities, which perform a discipline with amateur or profession purposes. Sport is vital for all people, of all ages, but especially for young people, because they commit their physical and mind, and create relationships with others. However, there are people who are boasting about not doing any physical activity; others, instead of using more hours than their day at the gym or running in the park, or are dabbling in team sports.GIALLOFS010
RispondiEliminaSport is the set of activities which undertake either at agonistic or operational level - the athlete's psychophysical capabilities, which perform a discipline with amateur or profession purposes. Sport is vital for all people, of all ages, but especially for young people, because they commit their physical and mind, and create relationships with others. However, there are people who are boasting about not doing any physical activity; others, instead of using more hours than their day at the gym or running in the park, or are dabbling in team sports.GIALLOFS010
RispondiEliminaSport in very important in the lives of young people because in the theaches them to respect the rules and above all theaches us to respect the andversary and do to not discriminate on the color of the skin origin or religion.Sport is important because it helps kids new friends and their team is like a family
Sport is the non-verbal language par excellence, it is the territory where the rules are known and common to all, it is above all play and encounter. We can aim to strengthen these characteristics, starting to use it as a tool of knowledge. Create projects, display banners in stadiums, bring civil society closer to the stadium, raise awareness, communicate, train.
Racial or territorial descriptions in the sport unfortunately exits for many years and is not a right thing because the take aime of color players or players from less developed countries.this year in the football have happened many episodies of racism and the tifoseries were disqualified.Finally in a game in the french championship,the players who were insulted and taken araound ,they came back into the lockus and the addition sport is considered as teaching because of the rules that must be respected as:layalty,respect altruism and fair play (field fairness).For example ,in a football match were he had been assigned and agristing as a rigorous the rigar,the player who had to kick the rigar is the sulicaly and was applaudid by the stadium.
Sport is important because it teaches us to be in group and to reapect the rules. There are often racial discrimation in stadiums tha should not even be thought of today. I play football and it is thanks to this sport that I made many friends. GIALLOFS011